Time Management - To Do List
Finding Balance/Time Management
Listen..finding balance is TOUGH!!! It's taken me a long time to find it, and sometimes I still struggle with it. The phrase, "Be where you are" has always stuck with me. If you’re with your kids, be WITH them. When you are with your spouse, be WITH them. If you find yourself having guilt because you’re neglecting the things that are most important in your life (children and spouse), you are not WHERE YOU ARE. But that also applies to THIS LIST. When you are doing your Power Hour, BE THERE. Be sure your family knows this is your scheduled work time and do not allow any non-emergency interruptions. If you struggle with finding focused quiet time, get up an hour earlier and do it while the rest of the family sleeps. Every problem has a solution, you just have to decide if your goals and dreams are worth working for!
Daily To-Do List (save this in your Evernote Here)
Step by Step Daily To-Do List with all tasks to move your business FORWARD in the shortest amount of time per day. PRINT this out OR simply open this doc and uncheck/recheck each day as you go!!
Whatever you do, just be sure to USE IT DAILY--CHECK EACH ITEM OFF- it is a MUST! :)
STEP ONE: Prep/Personal Development/Product of the Products
THE NIGHT BEFORE: Know what NEEDS to be done daily and set work/workout/PD time (if your schedule varies). This will make sure the hours you put into your business are PRODUCTIVE.
Read and Remember your Mission Statement, Rules, and WHY. Yes, you really do need to re-read this DAILY! Print it out, frame it and hang it where you'll see it constantly!
Workout/Shakeology- Find a way to creatively post it on Facebook or other social media (No sales ads ;)
Read or listen to personal development. (Resource List) You can listen to personal development in your car, during your workout, or while cleaning your house. There is time :) Jot down one or more things you learned (your 'AHA' moments) to use for future FB posts.
STEP TWO: Complete your POWER HOUR
Complete your Power Hour (or 2!!!-Depending on how much time you have and how big your goals are)—This list needs to get finished quickly with ZERO distractions (No FB notifications, scrolling the newsfeed or Pinterest, answering emails/texts, etc.—shut it ALL off). Set a TIMER so you know you’re being productive with your time.
>>>BE SURE you've watched Top 10 Coach Scottie Hobbs Video at LEAST once on the 10 Things a top Coach Does in a day (literally changed my life)
>>>PRINT and USE the POWER OF 3 TRACKING LIST to track your invites/adds/follow ups!! Trust me, it is the EASIEST WAY TO DO SO!! CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW TO USE IT AND START USING IT<<<
Invite 3-5 people a day to your Challenge Groups (free or paid) AND 2-5 Coach Prospects a week—don’t over-analyze WHO you are inviting. Track it on your Power of 3 tracking list. You never know who may need your help-- This should take 5-10 min to copy/paste/possibly rearrange the wording, and send. **Don’t even look at the responses that are coming in from your invites--I know it’s tempting, but it’s also distracting. Keep moving forward :) Use my INVITE examples if you’d like! :)
TRACK YOUR INVITES!!! (Power of 3)
Add 3-5 New people to your network-- Friend request 3-5 New people, and WRITE DOWN their names (Power of 3)--5 minutes
Visit the TEAM OLLIN and TEAM VICTORY FB pages for updates-- Get in, get out--5 minutes
Check on your Challenge groups 1-2 times daily. (Ask that your challengers TAG you in their comments so you don’t miss them, send a few private messages and let them know not to hesitate to contact you via private message at ANY time). 10-15 minutes
Come up with 2-3 additional Facebook posts for the NEXT DAY that either add value (recipe or anything someone may find useful or interesting), engage conversation, share YOUR successes or successes of another challenger, a challenger transformation/story, or that show a little more about YOU and what you’re all about. Save these posts to post throughout your day tomorrow.***This is something I think about throughout my days. If I think of something that sounds like a great FB/IG post, I write it down, so when I sit down to think of posts for the next day, it only takes about 20 minutes.
Answer emails and Follow ups. Go through your list of unread messages ONCE and then all of the people you need to follow up with from 2-4 weeks ago. Once you finish responding down the list, if you have time...start going through the list of those who responded again. People are happy if you return their messages within 24 hours, so don’t feel the need to stay on chat ALL day long with 10 different people. Make sure the messages you haven’t responded to are marked as “unread” so you know which messages to being with the next day--20-30min
Private message Challengers to see how they are doing. (a few per day)--5 minutes
If it’s MONDAY, listen to the National Wakeup call. They are recorded, so you may listen all throughout the week during your time.--Replace your personal development with the Wake Up Call if you’d like.
Visit your Coach Online office for Breaking News--5 minutes or less
Send your copy/paste message to your new Customer/Success Leads--5 minutes
Cancel Friend Requests from those on your “Friend Request” list who haven’t accepted your request. (Search the FB search bar for their name and click “Pending Friend Request” and cancel.--5 minutes
>>>The first time you try to conquer this list, it may take you a little longer...but, you will adjust to getting it done quickly! If you have days where you have more time, double up so the days you DON’T have time are justified. :)
>>>If you try this and truly cannot fit it in (even waking up earlier/setting a timer), message me and I can help you with a slightly condensed list.
If you follow this TO-DO list daily, with focus, at the end of the day you will feel accomplished. You will KNOW you’ve taken all of the steps you need to take to grow your business, and now you can shut it all off and be present for your family! <3